For immediate release
Contact: Erika Young,
Erika Young, North Carolina Sea Grant’s coastal and marine education specialist, is one of seven recipients of a NOAA Ocean Acidification Program (OAP) Education Mini-grant Program award.
The awarded projects are led across the nation by Tribal members, nonprofit organizations, academic institutions, and public organizations, filling some gaps in ocean acidification education and outreach and reaching new communities.
Young is leading this project with Courtney Lamb, a seventh grade science teacher at Littlefield Middle School in Lumberton; both are members of the Lumbee Tribe. “We will be exceeding our ancestor’s dreams for our tribe,” says Lamb. “This work is about expanding expectations of the education of our youth.”
Several counties in North Carolina face challenges and potential impacts of coastal and ocean acidification on local economies and ways of life. In response, Young and Lamb aim to improve environmental and ocean acidification literacy for the tribe and surrounding communities.
This project includes three main education modules in Title I schools in four economically challenged counties in southeast NC: Robeson, Hoke, Cumberland, and Scotland.
“I grew up in Robeson County and currently live in Hoke County. As a product of these areas, I want to elevate the knowledge base and empower students,” says Young. “It’s vital for our youth to see someone who shares their background and experiences in positions of knowledge, especially in the STEAM fields.”
In the first module, students will learn how humans influence ocean and coastal acidification through hands-on activities. In the second, students focus on the scientific method by conducting their own investigations on the impacts of ocean acidification on shellfish. Finally, students will learn about trophic level and food web impacts of ocean acidification.
Ocean and coastal acidification are emerging issues that have far reaching impacts on ocean health and long-term sustainability of ecosystems and people. Ultimately, Young and Lamb hope to increase ocean acidification awareness and action, as well as foster interest in career pathways in NOAA mission disciplines.
“We are excited to increase ocean understanding for several Sandhill school districts, connecting inland students to our coasts,” says Frank López, North Carolina Sea Grant’s extension director.
Student work will be highlighted and disseminated by North Carolina Sea Grant to increase reach and awareness of the program and ocean and coastal acidification.
More about NOAA OAP’s funding of other ocean acidification education projects.
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