Beach Safety is Key to Summer Fun

Contact: Katie Mosher,
There have already been more than 50 deaths this year nationwide attributed to rip currents. That is half of the annual national average.
If your summer plans include a trip to the NC coast — or anywhere with a surf zone, including the Great Lakes — be sure to remember key safety messages from NC Sea Grant, and local beach communities, along with the National Weather Service, National Ocean Service and the US Lifesaving Association.
Even if you know how to recognize, avoid and escape a rip current, check these links to help you share messages with friends and family.
Rip Currents: Know Your Options poster: Print a copy for your vacation location.
Dare County and Town of Kill Devil Hills News Event June 29,2023.
Daily rip current forecasts, from NWS coastal offices including Newport/Morehead City and Wilmington, NC; and Wakefield, VA.
Carolinas Rip Current Awareness
NWS: Rip Current Safety ahead of July 4 Holiday: Many safety tips.
Seguridad en Caso de Corrientes Marinas: En Español.
NOS Podcast: Listen as you head to your destination.
Model Behavior: Learn the science in rip currents forecasting.
Also, check with your local beach communities to get updates on surf conditions and forecasts, follow them on social media, and thank them when you see them. Always know your location if you ever need to call 9-1-1.
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