Lindquist Wins NC Sea Grant and NC Sentinel Site Cooperative Joint Fellowship

Above: Marae Lindquist, with a mist net extraction of a seaside sparrow on Masonboro Island, North Carolina.

Katie Mosher
North Carolina Sea Grant and the NC Sentinel Site Cooperative announce Marae Lindquist as the 2019 joint fellow. Lindquist, a doctoral student in the department of biology and marine biology at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, is advised by Raymond Danner.
Lindquist’s research will focus on modeling sea level rise in order to determine how changes in habitat will affect winter populations of saltmarsh and seaside sparrows. She received her bachelor’s in biology from Appalachian State University and grew up in Morehead City.
“The N.C. Sentinel Site Cooperative is very excited to fund Marae to study the impacts of changing sea levels on marsh bird populations and habitats in one of the newly expanded regions of the cooperative,” says Sarah Spiegler, cooperative coordinator and marine education specialist for North Carolina Sea Grant. “Marae is our second joint graduate fellow. Her research will contribute to a better understanding of how sea level rise will affect N.C. coastal ecosystems.”
John Fear, deputy director of North Carolina Sea Grant, agrees.
“This is the first year that the research results will be from within that new geography,” Fear says.
Learn more about the N.C. Sea Grant/N.C. Sentinel Site Cooperative Joint Graduate Fellowship
North Carolina Sea Grant provides research, education and outreach opportunities relating to current issues affecting the North Carolina coast and its communities. Since 1970, we have been a valuable resource for scientists, educators, local officials, government agencies, coastal businesses and the public to find unbiased, scientifically sound information about the state’s coastal ecosystems.
The North Carolina Sentinel Site is one of five cooperatives under the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Sentinel Site program. Sentinel Site Cooperatives bring together science, management and technology to address the impacts of sea level changes on coastal communities.