Sea Grant’s Scott Baker Discusses Saltwater Angling in NC

Katie Mosher,, 919-515-9069
The N.C Wildlife Resources Commission “Outside Voices” speakers series kicks off its fall season on Sept. 17 with Scott Baker, fisheries specialist at North Carolina Sea Grant. Baker will discuss the results of a statewide needs assessment of saltwater anglers — and much more.
“I’m excited to highlight North Carolina Sea Grant’s recreational angling education efforts with the Wildlife Resource Commission, the state agency that touches the most fishers, boaters and outdoor enthusiasts,” says Baker. “I hope that in the future we can work together to craft new science-based, educational programs for sportsmen.”
Baker helps the commercial and recreational fishing communities understand and apply the latest in fisheries management, research and technology. His latest activities include pilot testing electronic monitoring systems and bycatch reduction devices in commercial fisheries, as well as developing and testing fish descending devices for use in the marine recreational fishing sector.
His talk will include a quick overview of the educational interests and preferences of N.C. saltwater anglers, as well as his experience science blogging via Hook, Line & Science. Baker launched the weekly blog in December 2018 with Sara Mirabilio, also a fisheries specialist at North Carolina Sea Grant.
Baker additionally will discuss educational classes, such as his collaboration earlier this year with Mirabilio on the Introduction to Fisheries Science for Fishermen course they offered in person and online.
“Outside Voices” Event Details
When: 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, September 17th
N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission
1751 Varsity Drive
Raleigh, North Carolina
Online: via Skype.
To read Baker and Mirabilio’s blog, visit
Lead photo: red drum caught near Brant Island Shoals in the Pamlico Sound, courtesy of Jed Record / CC BY 2.0.
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