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Apr 19, 2023

North Carolina Oyster Summit Set for May 9-10

The 2023 North Carolina Oyster Summit will be May 9 and 10 at the Marbles Kids Museum in Raleigh. North Carolina Sea Grant is among sponsors for the summit that brings together oyster researchers, managers, growers, harvesters, restaurateurs, restoration practitioners, state legislators, educators and others. 

A man fishing with a rod off the side of a boat

Apr 17, 2023

New Community Collaborative Projects Amplify Overlooked Stories, Engage Aspiring Scientists and More

Four new projects in North Carolina are launching this year as part of the Community Collaborative Research Grant Program (CCRG). 

a group of people enjoying a festival

Apr 13, 2023

Our Creeks, Our Communities Festival will be April 22 in Raleigh

The Walnut Creek Urban Waters Federal Partnership is hosting a celebration on Saturday, April 22 at the Southeast Raleigh YMCA.

Apr 3, 2023

NC Sea Grant and APNEP Name New Joint Fellow

Yasamin Sharifi is the recipient of the 2023 joint fellowship from North Carolina Sea Grant and the Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Partnership. Sharifi will be assessing seagrass beds in the Core Sound to determine how quickly and how long they store carbon, providing important clues about whether sea grass beds can offset the effects of climate change.

Apr 3, 2023

Coastwatch Features a Mystery Shipwreck, Alligators Battling PFAS, and New Ricky Moore Videos

In "The Mystery Ship Off Pappy Lane," India Mackinson's cover story looks at how science and sleuthing uncovered the history of a 58-year-old shipwreck. Weeks of diving and mapping revealed a ship that had found its way from the turbulence of the Pacific Ocean to its final resting place at the bottom of the shallow, murky Pamlico Sound. Just one of many great stories in the Spring issue.