Coastal and Marine Aquaculture
North Carolina has a growing marine aquaculture — or mariculture — industry including soft crabs, clams, oysters and finfish.
Shellfish mariculture, in particular, has seen tremendous interest in recent years. North Carolina Sea Grant has been a leader in research and outreach on these topics. In fact, we are a key partner in the new North Carolina Shellfish Initiative, along with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, state agencies, and the N.C. Coastal Federation.
The links on this page will connect you to resources and partners that will be of interest to new and existing growers, as well as anyone who is interested in shellfish mariculture.
Quick Links
Here are some links for those looking to get started with shellfish aquaculture.
For more questions, contact Eric Herbst, coastal aquaculture specialist, North Carolina Sea Grant, echerbst@ncsu.edu.
DMF Shellfish Lease Program
The Shellfish Lease and Aquaculture Program at the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries has created an interactive mapping tool to assist the public in finding information about shellfish leases in North Carolina.
Contact North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries, Shellfish.Lease.Permits@ncdenr.gov
USDA Farm Service Agency Programs
UNCW NC Shellfish Aquaculture Siting Tool
Researchers at the University of North Carolina Wilmington developed the North Carolina Shellfish Siting Tool for current and future shellfish growers. A National Sea Grant Strategic Initiative supported this effort by awarding funding to Sea Grant.
Shellfish growers in North Carolina now have data that allow them to select locations with the most potential before choosing areas to lease. This GIS-based site-selection tool assists growers in identifying promising bottom-lease locations for their aquaculture operations. Users can search based on important factors for locating a shellfish culture operation — presence/absence of shellfish, submerged aquatic vegetation, current leases, boat access areas, and salinity.
Contact Troy Alphin at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, 910-962-2395, alphint@uncw.edu
UNCW Shellfish Research Hatchery
Contact Ami Wilbur, at University of North Carolina Wilmington, 910-962-2389, wilbura@uncw.edu
Carteret Community College
Contact David Cerino, at Carteret Community College, 252-222-6114, cerinod@carteret.edu
Producer Associations
These organizations support individuals involved in marine aquaculture.
N.C. Aquaculture Association
This is a private nonprofit corporation formed in 1991. It provides support through promotion, marketing and other beneficial acts to strengthen, expand and diversify the freshwater and marine aquaculture industries in North Carolina. Each February, the association hosts the N.C. Aquaculture Development Conference.
N.C. Shellfish Growers Association
Founded in 1995, this organization represents the interests of those involved in the shellfish industry. Its members include shellfish farmers, hatchery operators, seafood dealers, educators, researchers, government regulators and service providers.
East Coast Shellfish Growers Association
The association represents more than 1,000 shellfish farmers from Maine to Florida. They produce sustainable farmed shellfish while providing thousands of jobs in rural coastal towns.
Other Industry Contacts
Shellfish Seed
To purchase seed produced in North Carolina, contact Jimmy Morris of Millpoint Aquaculture in Sea Level, 252-342-7452, jamesmorris@ec.rr.com.
To purchase seed outside of North Carolina, use the 2016 East Coast Shellfish Hatchery and Nursery List.
Shellfish Gear and Equipment
To purchase shellfish gear and equipment, contact these companies.
- Chesapeake Bay Oyster Company, Jon Quigley, 804-338-6530, jonq@bayoyster.com
- Hooper Island Oyster Aquaculture Company, Johnny Shockley, 410-397-3664, Johnny@hioac.com
- Ketcham Supply Company, Myron Horzesky, 508-997-4787, myron@lobstering.com
Sea Grant Contacts
Eric Herbst, coastal aquaculture specialist, North Carolina Sea Grant, echerbst@ncsu.edu
Frank Lopez, extension director, North Carolina Sea Grant, 919-515-3012, fmlopez@ncsu.edu
Lopez is an initial point of contact for general information on all aspects of marine aquaculture development in the state.
Barry Nash, seafood technology and marketing specialist, North Carolina Sea Grant, 252-222-6337, barry_nash@ncsu.edu
Jane Harrison, coastal economies specialist, North Carolina Sea Grant, 919-513-0122, jane_harrison@ncsu.edu
Information and Resources
Learn more about Sea Grant’s research and outreach on mariculture topics.
- The Economic Impact of North Carolina’s Oyster Mariculture Industry
- North Carolina Cultured Shellfish brochure
- NC Oyster Trail
- North and South Carolina Oyster Aquaculture Summer Mortality Events
- Shellfish Growers’ Seminar Series (available on YouTube)
- Shellfish Leases and Harvest Closures Along the North Carolina Coast (NC State Extension)
- Online Economic Spreadsheet Tool for Oyster Aquaculture
- Shellfish Growers Loan Program
- Shellfish Aquaculture Gear Management and Storm Preparedness Resource Guide
Here are a few stories from our Coastwatch magazine:
- Testing the Waters, Summer 2019 (cover story)
- Farming Coastal Waters: Applied Research Supports Oyster Growers, Winter 2018 (cover story with photo essay)
- Sea Science: Restoring Our Oysters: Dealing with the Sponge Problem, Summer 2017
- Sea Science: Growing Better Bivalves: Science, Local Knowledge Enhance N.C. Business, Summer 2017
- People and Places: Story Map Reveals Oyster Treasures, Autumn 2016
- Building a Better Reef Takes a Team, Winter 2015
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